The US Patriot Act is a pile of garbage and a wast of paper. With internet anonymity up in the air, I feel that US patriot act should be brought. Let me first bring up the point of the matter of fact that the bill itself was actually a book roughly the size of War & Peace. Now that’s all dandy and everything, but why was it ratified within a week of it being opened. Anyone on this earth would have trouble reading something that big, that quickly. And we all know that congress spends an over-excessive amount of time arguing with itself about every issue that ever arises.

The Patriot Act basically states that after 9/11, anyone that is even thought to be a terrorist immediately has their phones tapped, taking away the rights our forefathers gave us. This sounds fairly similar to events that happened in a certain town known as Salem, and something to do with witches. Hmmm, has the United States taken a step back? Probably, much like the18th Amendment and the 21st Amendment . That was a serious waste of time